Post by Sean Buck on Feb 2, 2014 19:35:55 GMT 7
Los Santos Police Departement
Recruitment Unit
I. Personal Informations
First Name: Sean
Last Name: Buck
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 16 April 1992
Place of Birth: United States
Education: Univesity Of Law / S1 Hukum
Height: 170
Weight: 55
II. Addressing Informations
Phone Address: 6885
House Address: -
Vehicles Type: Comet
III. Another Questions
Have you invoveld into any cases? If yes, explain it: Yes, I Carry weapons for protecting my Friends
Have you ever made an application to our website before?: Yes
Why would you want to be one of our candidate on this 7th academy?: ((150 words)) I want to join the LSPD because on the first day I came to Los Santos, I was walking to my brothers house, while on the way some thugs robbed me. From that day I noticed that Los Santos’s crime level is very high especially the amount of gangs that can be seen roaming the streets of Los Santos day and night , so I decided to join the LSPD to keep the citizens safe from danger in their own city. I also noticed that many drivers tend to brake the rules of driving in the city, they drive over the speed limit and they drive very recklessly, it can harm other peoples life. I don’t want that innocent peoples lives will be at sake just because people drive recklessly without any care. I also noticed that the drug dealing business is blooming in this city without many authorities catching them during the transaction, in order to decrease the deal rate of the drugs, authorities must stand in the way of the drug dealers so that the civilians in the city of Los Santos can have a good daily life without having to be worried about getting ganged, robbed, or murdered because thats the job of a Police.
Why should us accept you to our departement?: ((150 words))I know some crime organization in Los Santos. But I don't know what I have to do with them. That's the main reason I want to join the Los Santos Police Department. I want to eradicate crime in the city of Los Santos as Drug-Smuggling, Sale of Illegal Guns, Robbery, Murder, And more.
I also really want to help and make people feel comfortable and safe city of Los santos because of the rise of Crime in the city of Los Santos lot of people who prefer to leave the city of Los Santos because they do not feel comfortable in the city of Los Santos. So I want to make all the citizens of the City of Los Santos returned to the city of Los Santos with a sense of security and I will also make every effort to minimize crime in the city of Los Santos. And when I'm received in LSPD I will work with:
-No favoritism in helping citizens of Los Santos (No matter he is rich or poor)
-Minimize the crime rate in the city of Los Santos
-Friendly to citizens
It's all of my reason to join with Los Santos Department, Thank you
Have you ever joined any government organization?: FDSA
If we denied you, what will you do?: I will go home with a shame in my shoulder for my family. I will still try to join the LSPD.
If we accept you, what will you give to us?: I will work as hard as I could and do my best for the LSPD.
OOC Information
Nama: Rheza Naufal
Umur: 11 Tahun
Lokasi: Malang
Pernah dibanned di BhinnekaGamers RolePlay? Jika iya, kapan dan kenapa? Iya, Non RP Quit fam karena waktu itu atasan family InActive semua
Berapa kali anda di prison oleh admin/advisor? dan Alasannya 1 kali waktu itu saya lagi tembak-tembakan lalu saya maju dan terus saya dijail
Apakah anda punya mikrofon yang bekerja dengan baik? Punya
Apakah anda mempunyai TeamSpeak 3 yang terinstal? Iya
Apakah anda mengetahui tentang Hukum dan Pemerintahan? Tahu
Level anda di BKG berapa? 9
*Saya Rheza Naufal berjanji bahwa jika saya diterima didalam Akademi #7 Los Santos Police Departement, saya akan mengikuti aturan-aturan yang diberikan oleh Chief dan Gubernur, jika saya terbukti bersalah dan melanggar, saya siap dihukum dengan cara dikeluarkan dari Los Santos Police Departement dan tidak akan bisa kembali mengikuti Akademi hingga 2 tahun berikutnya. Dan, saya berjanji akan selalu menggunakan TS jika saya sedang malam kondisi on duty.*
Tanda Tangan, Rheza Naufal